
Research Publications


Bird SM, JL Wiles, L Okalik, J Kilabuk, GM Egeland (2008) Living with diabetes on Baffin Island: Inuit story tellers share their experiences. Canadian Journal of Public Health 99(1):17-21.

Kuhnlein HV, O Receveur, R Soueida and PR Berti (2008) Unique patterns of dietary adequacy in three cultures of Canadian Arctic Indigenous Peoples. Public Health Nutrition 11:349-360.

Roche ML, HM Creed-Kanashiro, I Tuesta and HV Kuhnlein (2008) Traditional food diversity predicts dietary quality for the Awajún in the Peruvian Amazon. Public Health Nutrition 11(5):457-465.

Damman S, WB Eide and HV Kuhnlein (2008) Indigenous peoples’ nutrition transition in a right to food perspective Food Policy 33(2):135-155.

Jamieson JA, HV Kuhnlein (2008) The paradox of anemia with high meat intake: a review of the multifactorial etiology of anemia in the Inuit of North America. Nutrition Reviews 66(5):256-271.

Egeland GM, D Dénommé, P Lejeune and D Pereg. Concurrent validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) in an Iiyiyiu Aschii (Cree) community. Canadian Journal of Public Health (in press).

Chateau-Degat ML, E Dewailly, P Poirier, S Gingras, and GM Egeland. Comparison of diagnostic criteria of the metabolic syndrome in three ethnic groups in Canada. Metabolism (in press).

Berti PR, R Soueida and HV Kuhnlein. Dietary assessment of indigenous Canadian Arctic women with focus on pregnancy and lactation. International Journal of Circumpolar Health (in press).

Peace R, N Hidiroglou, P Jee, D Leggee and H Kuhnlein. Levels of folate, pyridoxine, niacin and riboflavin in traditional foods of Canadian Arctic Indigenous Peoples. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (in press).

Aryeetey RNO, GS Marquis, L Brakohiapa, L Timms and A Lartey. Is subclinical mastitis associated with reduced breast milk intake? Journal of Human Lactation (in press).


Charbonneau-Roberts G, K Young, GM Egeland (2007) Anthropometry and insulin resistance among Inuit. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66(2):129-134.

Richmond C, N Ross, GM Egeland (2007) Societal resources and thriving health: A new approach for understanding the health of Indigenous Canadians. American Journal of Public Health 97(10):1827-1833.

Hall CL, MM Humphries and DL Kramer (2007) Resource tracking by eastern chipmunks: the sampling of renewing patches. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85(4):536-548.

Kerr TD, S Boutin, JM LaMontagne, AG McAdam and MM Humphries (2007) Persistent maternal effects on juvenile survival in North American red squirrels. Biology Letters 3(3):289-291.

Mcadam AG, S Boutin, AK Sykes and MM Humphries (2007) Life histories of female red squirrels and their contributions to population growth and lifetime fitness. Ecoscience 14(3):362-369.

Johns T and PB Eyzaguirre (2007) Biofortification, biodiversity and diet: a search for complementary applications against poverty and malnutrition. Food Policy 32(1):1-24.

Fraser MH, A Cuerrier, PS Haddad, JT Arnason, PL Owen and T Johns (2007) Medicinal plants of Cree communities (Quebec, Canada): antioxidant activity of plants used to treat type 2 diabetes symptoms. Canadian Journal of Physiology And Pharmacology 85(11):1200-1214.

Groom SN, T Johns and PR Oldfield (2007) The potency of immunomodulatory herbs may be primarily dependent upon macrophage activation. Journal of Medicinal Food 10(1):73-79

Parker ME, S Chabot, BJ Ward and T Johns (2007) Traditional dietary additives of the Maasai are antiviral against the measles virus. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 114(2):146-152.

Owen PL, T Matainaho, M Sirois and T Johns (2007) Endothelial Cytoprotection from oxidized LDL by some crude melanesian plant extracts is not related to their antioxidant capacity. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 21(5):231-242.

McCune LM and T Johns (2007) Antioxidant activity relates to plant part, life form and growing condition in some diabetes remedies. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 112(3):461-469.

Schlamadinger B, N Bird, T Johns , et al. (2007) A synopsis of land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) under the Kyoto Protocol and Marrakech Accords. Environmental Science & Policy 10(4):271-282.

Schmid MA, B Salomeyesudas, PV Satheesh, J Hanley and HV Kuhnlein (2007) Traditional food is a major source of energy, protein, iron, vitamin C and vitamin A for rural Dalit mothers and young children in Andhra Pradesh, South India. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 16(1):84-93.

Kuhnlein HV and O Receveur (2007) Local cultural animal food contributes high levels of nutrients for Arctic Canadian indigenous adults and children. Journal of Nutrition 137(4):1110-1114.

Roche ML, HM Creed-Kanashiro, I Tuesta and HV Kuhnlein (2007) Traditional food system provides dietary quality for the Awajún in the Peruvian Amazon. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 46:377-399.

Bartlett JG, L Madariaga-Vignudo, JD O’Neil and HV Kuhnlein. (2007) Identifying indigenous peoples for health research in a global context: a review of perspectives and challenges. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66(4):287-307.

Lambden J, O Receveur and HV Kuhnlein (2007) Traditional food attributes must be included in studies of food security in the Canadian Arctic. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66(4):308-19.

Stephensen CB, GS Marquis, SD Douglas, LA Kruzich and CM Wilson (2007) Glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and selenium status in HIV-positive and HIV-negative adolescents and young adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 85(1):173-181.

Palan KM, ML Damhorst, JP Ogle, CO Hausafus, CA Reitmeier and G Marquis (2007) Adolescent nutrition and exercise behavior: A preliminary investigation into the role of parental communication quality. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues 12(2).

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