BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T181450EDT-9718O6GxrR@ DTSTAMP:20250312T221450Z DESCRIPTION:Abstract:\n\nThe Nitrogen cycle\, and ammonia production specif ically offer a privileged entry point to discuss the role of catalysis\, c urrent scenarios for the energy transition and the importance of planetary boundaries framework to shape a Sustainable Planet and Society [1] .\n\nT he discussion of the nitrogen cycle from this point of view will offer a p erspective on catalysis scenarios adapted to the energy transition and mor e largely to the Anthropocene epoch\, leading to the introduction of the “ situated green chemistries” framework [2] which attempts to combine chemis try\, systems analysis and social sciences.\n\n \n\nBio: \n\nAlessandra Qu adrelli is director of research in chemistry from the French National Cent re for Scientific Research\, CNRS\, at the IRCELYON laboratories. Her rese arch focuses on materials for CO2 reduction. Concurrently\, Alessandra is proposing the the “Situated Green Chemistries” framework to explore transd isciplinary definition of sustainable chemistry. Inspired by Donna Haraway ’s “situated knowledges” concept in science and technology studies and fem inist epistemologies\, the framework proposes several other possible chemi stries\, built from perspectives under-represented in the current academic arena\, to help address present challenges and shape more diverse scenari os of sustainable futures.\n\nContacts: email : elsje.quadrelli [at] cnrs. fr LinkedIN : ElsjeAlessandra Quadrelli.\n\n \n DTSTART:20250312T150000Z DTEND:20250312T160000Z LOCATION:OM 10\, Maass Chemistry Building\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 0B8\, 801 rue Sherbrooke Ouest SUMMARY:ϲ Seminar: Alessandra Quadrelli- SITUATED GREEN CHEMISTRIES URL:/chemistry/channels/event/mcgill-seminar-alessandr a-quadrelli-situated-green-chemistries-364072 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR