Experimenting with Danger

The following videos released by the US Chemical Safety board (USCSB) describe incidents at univeristy labs and industry workplaces. Please take your time and watch these videos.

Fire at UCLA

Accidental Poisoning at Dartmouth

Lab explosion at Texas tech

Experimenting with Danger

US Chemical Safety board (USCSB) released a 24-minute video on three serious laboratory accidents:聽 (1) the death of a lab research assistant in 2008 in a flash fire at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA); (2) a death by accidental poisoning of a highly regarded Dartmouth College professor in 1997; and (3) a 2010 explosion at Texas Tech University (TTU) that severely injured a graduate student, who lost three fingers in the blast and suffered eye damage.

Partridge Raleigh Oilfield Explosion and Fire

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