introverts /channels/taxonomy/term/6963/all en Online - Networking for Introverts and others Who Hate Networking /channels/channels/event/online-networking-introverts-and-others-who-hate-networking-333030 <div><img src="" width="320" style="float:left; margin-right:15px; margin-bottom:15px" alt="Online - Networking for </body></html>" /></div> Thu, 02 Sep 2021 06:23:05 +0000 webfull 172730 at /channels Networking for Introverts for Grads /channels/channels/event/networking-introverts-grads-327179 <div><img src="" width="320" style="float:left; margin-right:15px; margin-bottom:15px" alt="Networking for Introve</body></html>" /></div> Fri, 18 Dec 2020 11:44:22 +0000 webfull 166308 at /channels Secret introverts in the executive suite: You don't need to be a people-person to be a good boss /channels/news/secret-introverts-executive-suite-you-dont-need-be-people-person-be-good-boss-240097 <p>No one expects the boss of a big organization to be a shrinking violet.</p> <p>... “If you’re in an executive suite, it’s a Darwinian struggle to get there,” notes author and business professor <strong>Karl Moore</strong>. “There’s a lot of competition, so you’re quite a good leader.” And being a good leader means contact with people. Lots of it. “We expect the CEO to be an extrovert,” Moore says. “If they get on an elevator we expect them to say hello and not look downcast and not to avoid human contact, or we say, ‘What’s happening to the share price? There must be terrible troubles.’</p> Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:23:08 +0000 webfull 106512 at /channels Extroverts - Tapping Your Inner Introvert Is A Key To Excellent Leadership /channels/news/extroverts-tapping-your-inner-introvert-key-excellent-leadership-237226 <p><span>The CEO of a major multinational came to our ϲ MBA CEO Insights class and told us that, as an introverted leader, he had to put on his “game face” whenever he left his floor. That is, if you want to be a CEO of a big company, you need to act like an extrovert, at times. After studying introverts in the C-Suite, I [<strong>Karl Moore</strong>] have come to the conclusion that extroverts, like myself, must put on our “game face” and act like an introvert at times, in order to be effective leaders.<br /></span></p> Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:32:00 +0000 webfull 103385 at /channels The Wednesday interview: The power of introverts /channels/news/wednesday-interview-power-introverts-241198 <p>When you think of a leader you most likely think of a loud, outgoing, take-charge personality. But not all leaders fit that mould. ϲ business professor <strong>Karl Moore</strong> talks with Peter Tardif about the hidden strengths of introverts on the job.<br /> <br /> Listen to the full interview: <a href="" target="_blank">CBC</a>, December 31, 2014</p> Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:16:05 +0000 webfull 107640 at /channels Why leaders should learn to channel their inner introverts /channels/news/why-leaders-should-learn-channel-their-inner-introverts-238513 <p><span>The chief executive officer of a major Canadian multinational came to our MBA CEO Insights class and told us that, as an introverted leader, he had to put on his “game face” whenever he left his floor.</span></p> Thu, 28 Aug 2014 20:08:34 +0000 webfull 104854 at /channels 7 Reasons Introverts Make Great Leaders /channels/news/7-reasons-introverts-make-great-leaders-239135 <p>There's a paradox at the heart of how we think about <a href="">leaders</a>. Ask someone to picture a stereotypical leader and most people will think of someone confident, brash, and outgoing--the classic extrovert.</p> Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:24:14 +0000 webfull 105507 at /channels The Silent are Golden /channels/news/silent-are-golden-239723 <p>A third of us belong to a group of largely marginalized and ignored minds. At school, quiet children are told they need to brush up on their teamwork. In business, those of few words are often sidelined in important meetings.</p> <p>... <strong>Professor Karl Moore</strong> from the Desautels Faculty of Management, ϲ University, Montreal, has been interviewing chief executives of large firms about how they manage introverts.</p> Thu, 23 Oct 2014 18:20:42 +0000 webfull 106110 at /channels Introvert persoon is goede leider /channels/news/introvert-persoon-goede-leider-240094 <p>“Een spontane, sociale, assertieve collega. Iemand die zich open opstelt en zich snel thuis voelt in verschillende teams.” Wie personeelsadvertenties leest, krijgt de indruk dat werkgevers bij voorkeur extraverte mensen aannemen. Toch zijn introverte mensen vaak beter geschikt voor de functie. En zij zijn vaak betere leidinggevenden. Waarom? 7 redenen op waarom introverte mensen prima leiders zijn. </p> Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:14:24 +0000 webfull 106510 at /channels