Organizational Behaviour (T) /channels/taxonomy/term/25994/all en People feel most productive at work during the heart of the workweek /channels/channels/news/people-feel-most-productive-work-during-heart-workweek-360456 <p>Tuesday is the most productive day of the week—or at least it’s the day perceived to be the most productive, according to Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour <a href="/desautels/jean-nicolas-reyt"><strong>Jean-Nicolas Reyt</strong></a> in an interview with Radio-Canada. Most individuals work from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to -5 p.m., and perceive Monday to be less productive because they are still catching up on their work from the previous week. Tuesday is the day that people first feel immersed in the current week’s work.</p> Tue, 15 Oct 2024 20:06:48 +0000 webfull 203548 at /channels When wedding planning clashes with work commitments, communication is key /channels/channels/news/when-wedding-planning-clashes-work-commitments-communication-key-360453 <p>Weddings are planned many months–or even years–into the future, and that can clash with other aspects of the couple’s lives. When taking on a new job in the months leading up to such a major life event, it’s tricky to know when to tell your new employer that you’ll need time off in the first months of your tenure. “My advice is to wait until you’ve received a formal job offer before discussing it,” says Associate Professor <a href="/desautels/jean-nicolas-reyt"><strong>Jean-Nicolas Reyt </strong></a>in The Globe and Mail’s Nine to Five column.</p> Tue, 15 Oct 2024 20:00:59 +0000 webfull 203546 at /channels Reproducibility in Management Science /channels/channels/news/reproducibility-management-science-355997 <p><strong>Authors: </strong>Miloš Fišar, Ben Greiner, Christoph Huber, Elena Katok,<br /> Ali I. Ozkes, and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration*</p> <p><b>*Co-authors included among the Collaboration are four members of the Desautels community:<br /> <a href="/desautels/ruslan-goyenko">Ruslan Goyenko</a></b>,<b> <a href="/desautels/brian-rubineau">Brian Rubineau</a></b>,<b> <a href="/desautels/chengyu-zhang">Chengyu Zhang</a> </b>and Yaping Zheng (now at U. of Alberta)</p> Mon, 11 Mar 2024 14:33:29 +0000 webfull 198449 at /channels Amandine Ody-Brasier Associate Professor in Organizational Behavior winner of Outstanding Recent Contribution in Social Psychology Award 2023 /channels/channels/news/amandine-ody-brasier-associate-professor-organizational-behavior-winner-outstanding-recent-355233 <p><img alt="Amandine Ody-Brasier" src="/desautels/files/desautels/styles/medium_focal__220_x_220_/public/ody-brasier_2.jpeg?itok=60uHczfU" style="width:220px; height:220px; float:left; margin:0px 15px" title="Amandine Ody-Brasier" /></p> Tue, 06 Feb 2024 14:02:24 +0000 webfull 197533 at /channels Pathways of Peer Influence on Major Choice /channels/channels/news/pathways-peer-influence-major-choice-353187 <p><img alt="Brian Rubineau" src="/desautels/files/desautels/styles/wysiwyg_medium/public/brian-rubineau-400x400.jpg?itok=P9fG-pRb" style="width:160px; height:160px; float:left; margin:8px" title="Brian Rubineau" /></p> <p><strong>Authors:</strong> <a href="/desautels/brian-rubineau"><strong>Brian Rubineau</strong></a>, Shinwon Noh, Michael A. Neblo and David M.J. Lazer</p> <p><strong>Publication: </strong><em>Social Forces</em>, Forthcoming.<br /> Article in advance, published online: October 11, 2023</p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 19:58:18 +0000 webfull 195280 at /channels New federal union contract is an historic advance in for workers’ rights /channels/channels/news/new-federal-union-contract-historic-advance-workers-rights-348456 <p>The potential for office work to be performed remotely has been evident since the advent of email and the web, but for decades, most employers allowed only very limited remote work. The pandemic let that genie out of the bottle and finally granted employees what many had been advocating for in vain, writes Associate Professor in Organizational Behaviour <a href="/desautels/jean-nicolas-reyt">Jean-Nicholas Reyt</a> in an opinion piece for the Montreal Gazette. The recent strike by the Public Service Alliance of Canada is a prime example of this sentiment.</p> Thu, 25 May 2023 16:06:08 +0000 webfull 189795 at /channels ϲ Desautels undergrads take 2nd at Baylor University’s Negotiation Competition /channels/channels/news/mcgill-desautels-undergrads-take-2nd-baylor-universitys-negotiation-competition-348425 <p>ϲ Desautels undergraduate students <strong>Aaron Anandji</strong> (BCom’25) and <strong>Zacharie Faucillion</strong> (BCom’23), Co-Executive Directors of ϲ Ventures, took second place at Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business’ National Undergraduate Negotiation Competition (NUNC) this April.</p> Tue, 23 May 2023 18:57:22 +0000 webfull 189760 at /channels Hybrid work arrangements give employees the flexibility they need, but leverage benefits of in-person interaction /channels/channels/news/hybrid-work-arrangements-give-employees-flexibility-they-need-leverage-benefits-person-interaction-348369 <p>One of the biggest names in tech thinks the move to fully remote work is a big mistake. According to Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, everyone needs to be together to create a cohesive and productive work environment. And that’s partly right, says <a href="//">Jean-Nicolas Reyt</a>, an Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Desautels. “The vast majority of the economy has switched to hybrid work, and not fully remote,” says Reyt. “This allows people to better manage the interface between their work and personal lives.</p> Wed, 17 May 2023 15:57:45 +0000 webfull 189692 at /channels Delve: Why Employers Think Overqualified Job Applicants Lack Commitment, with Roman Galperin /channels/channels/news/delve-why-employers-think-overqualified-job-applicants-lack-commitment-roman-galperin-348300 <p>Why is being overqualified for a sought-after job at a desirable workplace seen as a drawback? Despite having prestigious educations and impressive work credentials, these candidates get turned down by hiring managers, often before they even get an interview.</p> Fri, 12 May 2023 13:23:50 +0000 webfull 189621 at /channels Glossy work permeates cultural industries, but exists in other sectors too /channels/channels/news/glossy-work-permeates-cultural-industries-exists-other-sectors-too-348276 <p>When <a href="//">Lisa Cohen</a> moved to New York City in 1984 to work for Vanity Fair magazine, it seemed like a dream job. But the reality didn’t stack up to her expectations. Though the work was sometimes interesting, Cohen found the detailed fact-checks that she was assigned tedious. Still, she stayed in the magazine industry for five years before pursuing a business degree. That’s Cohen’s personal experience with ‘glossy work’. Positions like that Vanity Fair role may appear glamorous, but often have serious downsides, like low pay and dull work.</p> Wed, 10 May 2023 21:27:53 +0000 webfull 189596 at /channels Majority of companies in 4-day work week study make shorter week permanent /channels/channels/news/majority-companies-4-day-work-week-study-make-shorter-week-permanent-346598 <p>The results are in, and the four-day work week isn’t only good for workers – companies like it too. In a six-month UK study, 61 employers trialed a 4-day work week that asked employees to perform the same work in less time, and at the end of the trial period, 92% of participating employers chose to make the shorter week permanent. “This is in line with previous study we’ve seen before,” said Prof. <a href="//">Jean-Nicolas Reyt</a> to CBC Radio’s Cross-Country Checkup with Ian Hanomansing.</p> Tue, 07 Mar 2023 19:26:39 +0000 webfull 187812 at /channels Reject and Resubmit: A Formal Analysis of Gender Differences in Reapplication and Their Contribution to Women’s Presence in Talent Pipelines /channels/channels/news/reject-and-resubmit-formal-analysis-gender-differences-reapplication-and-their-contribution-womens-346131 <p><img alt="Brian Rubineau" src="/desautels/files/desautels/styles/wysiwyg_medium/public/brian-rubineau-400x400.jpg?itok=P9fG-pRb" style="width:160px; height:160px; float:left; margin:8px" title="Brian Rubineau" /></p> <p><strong>Authors:</strong> Isabel Fernandez-Mateo, <a href="/desautels/brian-rubineau"><b>Brian Rubineau</b></a> and Venkat Kuppuswamy</p> <p><strong>Publication: </strong><i>Organization Science</i>, Forthcoming<br /> Articles in Advance – published online: December 2022</p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> Fri, 17 Feb 2023 21:33:27 +0000 webfull 187381 at /channels Authentic feedback is necessary to organizational growth, but leaders themselves must set the tone /channels/channels/news/authentic-feedback-necessary-organizational-growth-leaders-themselves-must-set-tone-345595 <p>We want everyone to thrive and succeed in the workplace, says Prof. <a href="//">Patricia Faison Hewlin</a>, but organizations need feedback from their employees for relationships to develop and to learn from mistakes, to improve, to innovate. But asking people to speak up is its own challenge. On January 23, Faison Hewlin shared insights about how it can be accomplished as part of the University of Oregon’s African American Workshop and Lecture Series.</p> Wed, 25 Jan 2023 19:47:54 +0000 webfull 186666 at /channels Delve: How Organizations Can Increase Gender Diversity by Rethinking Job Recruitment, with Brian Rubineau /channels/channels/news/delve-how-organizations-can-increase-gender-diversity-rethinking-job-recruitment-brian-rubineau-345160 <p>In the past few years of the Covid pandemic, many people have left or lost their jobs and sought out new ones. Who has succeeded and who hasn’t depends not only on merit and ability, but on who you know—word-of-mouth is one of the most common ways that people learn about and are encouraged to apply for jobs. And who you know typically reflects your gender, race, and other influential differences that in policy terms are markers of diversity. Examining the role gender plays in job recruitment and hiring can lead to a more diverse workforce that benefits both organizations and society.</p> Fri, 20 Jan 2023 14:40:11 +0000 webfull 186231 at /channels AI is advancing, but people management still requires a human touch /channels/channels/news/ai-advancing-people-management-still-requires-human-touch-345144 <p>Data could tell you a lot about your employees’ performance, capabilities, and even mental health. But there are risks associated with using algorithms to process this type of data. Artificial intelligence isn’t yet sophisticated enough to deal with the nuances involved. “It won't suggest improvements to reflect a changing context, such as a pandemic,” says <a href="/desautels/matissa-hollister">Matissa Hollister</a>, an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Desautels. “It's a cutting-edge technology that encodes the status quo.</p> Thu, 19 Jan 2023 21:30:16 +0000 webfull 186208 at /channels