To all Banner Finance Users

In support of the Year-End effort, the processing of journals, IDC鈥檚 and manual encumbrances (Banner forms FGAJVCQ, FGAJVCD and FGAENCB) will not be accessible from Thursday, May 7th, 9:00 AM until Friday, May 8th, 9:00 AM. We apologize for the inconvenience.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Finance Helpdesk at 514-398-3463.

[Message sent out over the FIS listerserv]

Classified as: year end deadlines, FGAJVCQ, FGAJVCD and FGAENCB Blackout Period
Published on: 4 May 2020

To all Finance Users

Today is the first day of Fiscal Year 21 (May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021). For your reference, attached are the FY21 Month End Deadlines for submitting financial transactions in Banner (including Finance Accounts Receivable and Feed File submissions).

These deadlines are posted on the Financial Services website.

[Message sent out over the FIS Listserv]

Classified as: month end, year end deadlines, Pcard Schedule
Published on: 1 May 2020
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