Deadline to Web withdraw (grade of "W") or University withdraw (grade of "W--") from Winter 2026 term courses with full fee refund (less $200 Registration Cancellation Fee for returning students; less registration deposit or $200 Registration Cancellation Fee, whichever is higher for new students, in case of complete withdrawal from the University).
For students who wish to university withdraw after the registration cancellation deadline (December 31, 2025), students may drop all courses via Minerva with full refund less $200 Registration Cancellation Fee for returning students; less registration deposit or $200 Registration cancellation Fee, whichever is higher for new students.
(Tentative Date) Target date for sending of preliminary selections (invitations to interviews) for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science's Fall 2026 MDCM program.
January fee payment deadline. For more information, visit the website .
(Tentative Date) Verification period via Minerva for all students in all faculties. Verify your entire record on Minerva (address, personal data, courses, programs, etc.) and consult your faculty with any problems. It is especially critical that graduating students verify their records prior to the start of their final term of studies.
(Tentative Date) Pre-departure Orientation is mandatory for all students traveling outside Canada for university sanctioned activities including exchanges, internships, independent study-away, field study semesters, research, clinical rotations and/or beyond!
Participants will benefit from an informative presentation touching on 黑料不打烊 requirements, safety abroad, staying in touch and health matters.
Application deadline for Winter practical examinations in Music (B.Mus./L.Mus.). For further information, consult the exam tab under the admitted program on the music website .
Application deadline for Fall 2026 admission to Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, Architecture, Arts, B.A.&Sc., Education, Engineering, Management (including Part-time B.Com.), Nursing or Science by applicants studying or who last studied in a Canadian high school (excluding Quebec).
(Tentative Date) Winter study break for NUTR 409, Stage in Dietetics, Level 3b.
(Tentative Date) NUTR 409, Stage in Dietetics Level 3 begins.
(Tentative Date) Senate Steering Meeting to approve degrees granted at the end of Fall 2025 term (Spring 2026 Convocation).
(Tentative Date) Macdonald College Founder's Day. (Sir William C. Macdonald born Feb. 10, 1831; died June 9, 1917). Classes may be cancelled for part of the day.
Application period for readmission requests to the Schulich School of Music (for students requiring a re-audition) for the Fall 2026 term.
Application period for all music minors (applied performance science, conducting, early music, music composition, jazz arranging and composition, jazz performance, music education, music entrepreneurship, music history, music theory, musical applications of technology & musical science and technology).
Application period for intra-faculty transfers to a composition program, to change or to add an instrument, and performance programs for Fall 2026.