Event: This year鈥檚 yield was expected to be very low, but has turned out to be the fourth-best ever.

Classified as: maple syrup, benoit cot茅
Published on: 8 Jun 2015

Allegations of bribes and corruption have engulfed Fifa since the World Cup was awarded to Russia and Qatar. Just hours after Sepp Blatter announced he was standing down as Fifa president, a report in the US media claimed he was the subject of a corruption inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Classified as: corruption, FIFA
Published on: 3 Jun 2015

Event: Pride Toronto is the not-for-profit organization that hosts an annual festival in downtown Toronto, which takes place each year during the last week of June.

Pride Week celebrates our diverse sexual and gender identities, histories, cultures, creativities, families, friends and lives. It includes a three-day street festival with over eight stages of live entertainment, an extensive street fair (including community booths, vendors, food stalls), a special Family Pride program, a politically charged Dyke March, a Trans March and the famous Pride Parade.

Classified as: Bill Ryan, homophobia, Gay pride, LGBT, gay rights, Sean Waite, Nicole Denier
Published on: 1 Jun 2015


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