BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T175522EDT-9025fO1dsn@ DTSTAMP:20250312T215522Z DESCRIPTION:The Cutting Edge lectures are organized to foster\ncommunicatio n between scientists in different disciplines as well\nas between scientis ts and the public.\nBy Andre Costopoulos (Dept of\nAnthropology\, ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ) \nBuilding on recent computer simulation results from my lab\, I\nwill arg ue that while we humans perceive ourselves as forward\nlooking decision ma kers\, and often see our sophisticated brain as a\nrational choice engine\ , we are in fact probably selected to have a\nlimited ability to make good decisions. I will argue that our brain\nis in fact a diversity production machine and that cultural\nevolution depends on the ability of our cultur al systems to build\nand maintain diversity\, and on our ability to access and replicate\nother people's traits when circumstances demand it. Under this\n'diversity-tolerance' model of cultural evolution humans are smart\n enough to come up with a range of potential solutions to the\nproblems we face\, but not very good at determining which solution\nis the best. While we are often wrong\, we must be convinced that we\nare right\, and to mai ntain diversity\, we must disagree with each\nother about what to do in re sponse to an environmental challenge.\nWe must also have a limited ability to discriminate between good\nand bad choices so we can recognize when we are in serious trouble\nand can adopt someone else's solution in a crisis . Andre\nCostopoulos studies social change and the environment in Nordic\n Prehistory. You can read about his work in Finland and northern\nCanada at SCENOP and the work of\nhis graduate student \nfaunal archeology lab or w atch the french television interview\nwith Andre Costopoulos on \nLe Code Chastenay.\n DTSTART:20121210T044500Z DTEND:20121210T060000Z SUMMARY:Broadcast - Cutting Edge Lectures in Science: A diversity - toleran ce model of cultural evolution URL:/channels/event/broadcast-cutting-edge-lectures-sc ience-diversity-tolerance-model-cultural-evolution-216968 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR