
New free online resource: Global Library of Women's Medicine

Published: 25 November 2008

The Global Library of Women's Medicine has launched online and is freely available to all. Over 650 world experts provide a definitive resource on the latest therapeutic options in women's medicine for doctors and women concerned about their health. The Library is free to view at .

The Global Library of Women's Medicine is a unique web library incorporating a vast range of detailed clinical information across the whole field of women's medicine. It consists of 442 main chapters and 53 supplementary chapters, supported by over 40,000 references, which will be kept permanently up-to-date. The chapters have been written by more than 650 specialists and will reflect some of the very best worldwide opinion.

The Global Library of Women's Medicine is primarily designed for the medical profession, however, most of the information will also be accessible by anyone else who wants to try and understand more about the therapeutic options available to women.聽In addition, there are innovative features freely available to registered users, that are aimed at medical professionals, including surgical videos, specialist colour atlases of visual medicine, comprehensive guidance to laboratory tests and the significance of their results,- and even an option to provide doctors with selected patient information handouts.

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