
Essential Science Indicators (scientific performance measures): Trial until Aug. 16

Published: 23 July 2007

Described as including "most cited scientist rankings, institutional (university, corporate, government research lab) rankings, national rankings, and journal rankings," this tool allows scientists to monitor the influence and impact of journal articles indexed by Thomson Scientific.


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  • The data and the software included are the property of Thomson Scientific. No rights of transfer are made under this evaluation form.
  • The data and software included are to be used for evaluation purposes.
  • Faculty, Students, Researchers & Staff of the participating member institution noted herein shall have access to the database and the software.
  • Limited downloading is permitted for evaluation purposes only.
  • Redistribution of results is not permitted under this evaluation form.
  • There is no cost for the use of this data and software during the period of evaluation.
  • Thomson Scientific makes no warranties, express or implied, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
  • Thomson Scientific will not be liable for direct, special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages.
  • Thomson Scientific reserves the right to monitor usage during the trial period and to end the trial if breach of any of these terms occurs.

To access, go to and select "Essential Science Indicators."

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