I Am Nobody: Confronting the Predatory Coach Who Stole My Life

Mercredi, 15 é, 2017 13:00à14:30
Pavillon Chancellor-Day Salle du Tribunal-école Maxwell-Cohen (NCDH 100), 3644, rue Peel, Montréal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA

Les conférences commémoratives Patricia Allen accueillent Greg Gilhooly, un avocat et un survivant de Graham James, un entraîneur de hockey charismatique et un prédateur sexuel. Dans sa présentation, il parlera de son livre éponyme.

[En anglais seulement] In the recently published, I Am Nobody: Confronting the Predatory Coach Who Stole My Life, a book about how his dream of playing hockey was stolen from him by Graham James, a charismatic predator, Greg Gilhooly unflinchingly details the mental torment he suffered, while revealing the terrible reality behind the sanitized term “sexual assault.” Although James was convicted of sexually assaulting Sheldon Kennedy and Theo Fleury and confessed to both crimes, he neither confessed nor was convicted for his sexual assault of Gilhooly.

Gilhooly sheds new light on sexual abuse and its treatment. As a highly successful lawyer, Gilhooly provides a valuable legal perspective critical to this issue and argues that different approaches are needed for different victims. Most important, Gilhooly offers hope, affirmation, and inspiration for those who have suffered abuse.

Greg Gilhooly is a graduate of Princeton University and the University of Toronto's Faculty of Law. He has held senior positions in numerous corporations. He is in demand as a public speaker and a media commentator.

Conférences commémoratives Patricia Allen

Créées en 1992 par la promotion de 1988 à la mémoire de Patricia Allen, une diplômée de la Faculté qui fut tragiquement assassinée, la Conférence commémorative Patricia Allen est consacrée à la sensibilisation et à l'éducation de la communauté juridique et de la population aux problèmes sociaux et juridiques urgents liés à la violence, notamment envers les femmes.

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