éܲԾDz (Comité des études - Faculté des sciences)
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Oscillation in Hes1 gene expression: Origins and functions
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Mountain Equipment Co-op, le magasin le plus vert au Québec et premier certifié C2000
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Pediatric influenza — why worry?
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Forming neural connections in the developing visual system
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Barriers, biological filters, and biodiversity: Wetlands and the conservation ecology of East African fishes
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Translation and Canadian studies: Attention, travaux sur le pont!
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Visual assessment of soil quality
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Understanding Turkey's 'NO': The end of the illusion in Turkish-American relations
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éܲԾDz (Comité des affaires étudiantes)
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Good news from Israel: Developments in religious feminism
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Vins et fromage du Vieux Continent
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La théorie du " leapfrogging " de Reuven Brenner
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Black Comedy de Peter Shaffer
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Dissecting the genetics of lung diseases with the use of mouse models
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Biogeneration of natural flavours by an immobilized enzymatic extract of Penicillium camemberti in organic solvent media
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The determination of setback distance
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Information exchange for the dairy industry via semantic web technology
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Kuakata - Daughter of the sea
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Journée anti-stress
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Effector and regulatory T cell subsets that control immunity to Leishmaniasis
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2e dégustation annuelle de hors d'oeuvres pour Centraide
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Human auditory cortical processing streams: Where are they and what do they do?
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Bringing hope to a vast sea of despair
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éܲԾDz (Sous-comité des cours et des programmes d'enseignement)
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Plant diversity in managed forests: From plantation monocultures to 'nature-oriented' selection silviculture
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Project Ice Storm: Effects of prenatal stress on perinatal and infant outcomes
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Black Comedy de Peter Shaffer
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Neuronal growth and death: Mechanisms of selective motor neuron death in ALS
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Journal Club
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The ins and outs of CFTR trafficking. The fate of the misfolded channel from the cell surface
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Cloning of GABA receptor subunits in Onchocerca volvulus
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ABC transporters in filarids
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Women on the verge of the law: Feminism and Almodovar
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Poetry @ Lunch présente Ken Babstock
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éܲԾDz (Comité universitaire - Faculté de gestion)
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éܲԾDz (Comité de l'Université sur les bourses d'études et l'aide financière aux étudiants)
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Living an isolated existence in a changing social world
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