Visiting Speakers Program in Oncology - Dr. Hans Wildiers, "Breast Cancer in the Elderly"
Hans Wildiers started medical studies at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 1989 and graduated magna cum laude in 1996. After clinical training he became an F.W.O.-aspirant (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlaanderen) and obtained a PhD certificate on September 2003 for which he received the Amgen award 2004 of the Belgian Society of Medical Oncology (BSMO) and the Pfizer educational grant KULeuven 2004. The research concerned the topic of blood vessels and tumor uptake of anticancer drugs. He became specialist in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology on March 2004 and is since then staff member at the department of medical oncology in the University Hospital Gasthuisberg Leuven. He is specifically active in the field of breast cancer and geriatric oncology. Since July 2003, he is the belgian national representative of SIOG, the international society of geriatric oncology, and is board member of several task forces within SIOG (breast cancer in the elderly, chemotherapy in the elderly, renal function and chemotherapy). He is also board member of the Belgian Society of Medical Oncology (BSMO) since 2007. Since November 2006, he is secretary of the task force cancer in the elderly of the European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).