
Magical Mystery Wine Tour

Thursday, September 25, 2003 18:30
Zizi Trattoria, 2590 Yonge St., north of Eglinton, Zizi Trattoria, 2590 Yonge St., north of Eglinton, CA
Throughout the year, join other grads for a virtual tour of wines from Australia, Spain, Italy, Portugal or New Zealand. Each event will feature wines from one country and be led by a wine expert. The twist is, you won't know the country you're "visiting" until the night of the event! Event chair: Andrew Cole, BSc'96. First tour stop is Thursday, Sept. 25 (dates of the next stops TBA). Price includes 6 wines and light hors d'oeuvres. RSVP by Sept. 16 (limited to 40 participants). $35
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