Neil Price

Neil Price
Contact Information

Stewart Biology Building, Room N6/12

Email address: 
neil.price [at]
Research areas: 
Conservation, Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour
Areas of expertise: 

Biological oceanography. Physiological ecology of nutrient acquisition in marine phytoplankton and bacteria. Trace element essentiality, toxicity and biogeochemical cycling. Resource limitation of plankton growth in natural waters.

Graduate supervision: 

Masters and Doctoral positions are now available for qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or disability. Please contact me by email if you are interested in joining our research group.

Visit the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website to explore funding opportunities for graduate students at 黑料不打烊 University.

Selected publications: 


  • Kong, L. and N.M. Price 2021. Transcriptomes of an oceanic diatom reveal the initial and final stages of acclimation to copper deficiency. Environmental Microbiology


  • Kong, L. and N.M. Price 2020. Identification of copper-regulated proteins in an oceanic diatom, Thalassiosira oceanica 1005. Metallomics 12, 1106-1117.


  • Kong, L. and N.M. Price 2019. A reduction-dependent copper uptake pathway in an oceanic diatom. Limnology and Oceanography


  • Kong, L., Price, N.M. 2018. Functional CTR-type Cu(I) copper transporters in an oceanic diatom (2018). .


  • Kim, J-W and N.M. Price (2017). The influence of light on copper-limited growth of an oceanic diatom, Thalassiosira oceanica (Coscinodiscophyceae). .


  • Xu, N., Qiu, G-W., Lou, W-J., Li, Z-K., Jiang, H-B., Price, N. M.,Qiu, B-S. (2016). Identification of an iron permease, cFTR1, in cyanobacteria involved in the iron reduction/re-oxidation uptake pathway. .


  • Sijercic, A. and N.M. Price (2015). Kinetics of hydroxamate siderophore excretion by Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis during steady state and transient growth in Fe-limited culture. .

Older Publications


  • Adly, C.L. J.-E. Tremblay, R.T. Powell, E. Armstrong, G. Peers, and N.M. Price, (2014). Response of heterotrophic bacteria in a mesoscale iron enrichment in the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean. .
  • Jiang, Hai-Bo, Lou, Wen-Jing, Ke, Wen-Ting, Song, Wei-Yu, Price, Neil M., Qiu, Bao-Sheng (2014). New insights into iron acquisition by cyanobacteria: an essential role for ExbB-ExbD complex in inorganic iron uptake. .


  • Simpson, K.G., J.-E. Tremblay and N.M. Price (2013) Nutrient dynamics in the Amundsen Gulf and Cape Bathurst Polynya: 1. New production in spring inferred from nutrient draw-down.
  • Simpson, K.G., J.-E. Tremblay, S. Brugel and N.M. Price (2013). Nutrient dynamics in the Amundsen Gulf and Cape Bathurst Polynya: 2. New and regenerated production inferred from 15N uptake.


  • J. Martin1, J. -E. Tremblay, and N.M. Price (2012) Nutritive and photosynthetic ecology of subsurface chlorophyll maxima in Canadian Arctic waters.
  • Jiang, H-B., W. Lou, H-Y. Du, N.M. Price and B.-S. Qiu (2012) Sll1263, a unique cation diffusion facilitator protein that promotes iron uptake in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803.


  • Qiu, B. and N.M. Price (2009) Different physiological responses of four marine Synechococcus strains (Cyanophyceae) to nickel starvation under iron replete and deplete conditions.


  • Tremblay, J.-E., K. G. Simpson, J. Martin, L. Miller, Y. Gratton, D. G. Barber, and N. M. Price (2008) Vertical stability and the annual dynamics of nutrients and chlorophyll fluorescence in the coastal, southeast Beaufort Sea.
  • Simpson, K.G., J.-E- Tremblay, Y. Gratton & N.M. Price (2008) An annual study of inorganic and organic nitrogen and phosphorus and silicic acid in the southeastern Beaufort Sea.


  • Tremblay, J-E., C. Michel, K.A. Hobson, M. Gosselin, & N.M. Price (2006) Bloom dynamics in early opening waters of the Arctic Ocean.
  • Merzouk, A., M. Levasseur, M.G. Scarratt, S. Michaud, R.B. Rivkin, M.S. Hale, R.P. Kiene, N.M. Price, & W.K.W. Li (2006) DMSP and DMS dynamics during a mesoscale iron fertilization experiment in the Northeast Pacific. Part II. Biological cycling. .
  • Peers, G., & N.M. Price (2006) Copper-containing plastocyanin used for electron transport by an oceanic diatom.


  • Peers, G, Quesnel, S-A & Price, NM (2005) Copper requirements for iron acquisition and growth of coastal and oceanic diatoms.
  • Price, NM (2005) The elemental stoichiometry and composition of an iron-limited diatom. .
  • Sunda, WG, Price, NM & Morel, FMM (2005) Trace metal ion buffers and their use in culture studies. In: Algal Culturing Techniques, (ed.) R. Anderson, Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 35-63.
  • 2004
  • Peers, GS and NM Price. A role for manganese in superoxide dismutases and the growth of iron-deficient diatoms.
  • Armstrong, E, J Granger, EL Mann, and NM Price 2004. Outer-membrane siderophore receptors of heterotrophic oceanic bacteria.
  • Lovejoy, C, NM Price, and L Legendre 2004. Role of nutrient supply and loss in controlling protest species dominance and microbial food-webs during spring blooms. .


  • Morel, FMM and NM Price 2003. The biogeochemical cycles of trace metals in the oceans. .


  • Lovejoy C, E Carmack, L Legendre, and NM Price. 2002. Water column interleaving: a new physical mechanism determining protist communities and bacterial states. .
  • Tremblay, J-E, Y Gratton, J Fauchot, NM Price. 2002. Climate and oceanic forcing of new and diatom production in the North Water Polynya. .
  • Tremblay, J-E, Y Gratton, EC Carmack, CD Payne, NM Price. 2002. Impact of silicon-rich Arctic water on nutrient dynamics and diatom production in the North Water Polynya (northern Baffin Bay). .
  • Lovejoy C, L Legendre, and NM Price. 2002. Prolonged diatom blooms and microbial food web dynamics: Experimental results from an Arctic polynya. .


  • Maldonado MT, PW Boyd, ER Abraham, AR Bowie, PL Croot, R Strzepek, A Waite, J LaRoche, RD Frew, NM Price. 2001. Iron uptake and physiological response of phytoplankton during a mesoscale Southern Ocean iron-enrichment. .
  • Maldonado, M.T. and N.M. Price. 2001. Reduction and transport of organically bound iron by Thalassiosira oceanica (Bacillariophyceae). .
  • Nodwell, L.M. and N.M. Price. 2001. Direct use of inorganic colloidal iron by marine mixotrophic phytoplankton.


  • Strzepek, R.F. and N.M. Price, 2000. Influence of irradiance and temperature on the iron content of the marine diatom, Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyceae). .
  • Maldonado, M.T. and N.M. Price, 2000. Nitrate regulation of Fe reduction and transport by Fe-limited Thalassiosira oceanica. .


  • Erdner, D.L., N.M. Price, G.J. Doucette, M.L. Peleato, and D.M. Anderson, 1999. Characterization of ferredoxin and flavodoxin as markers of iron limitation in marine phytoplankton. .
  • Granger, J. and N.M. Price, 1999. The importance of siderophores in iron nutrition of heterotrophic marine bacteria. .
  • Maldonado, M.T. and N.M. Price, 1999. Utilization of iron bound to strong organic ligands by plankton communities in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. .
  • Maldonado, M.T., P.W. Boyd, P.J. Harrison, and N.M. Price, 1999. Co-limitation of phytoplankton growth by light and Fe during winter in the NE subarctic Pacific Ocean. .
  • Payne, C.D. and N.M. Price, 1999. Effects of cadmium toxicity on growth and elemental composition of marine phytoplankton. J. Phycol. 35,293-302.
  • Sakka A, L Legendre, M Gosselin, B LeBlanc B Delasalle, NM Price, 1999. Nitrate, phosphate and iron limitation of the plankton assemblage in the lagoon of Takapoto Atoll (Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia). Aquat Microb. Ecol. 19,149-161.
  • Tortell, P.D., M.T. Maldonado, J. Granger, and N.M. Price, 1999. Marine bacteria and biogeochemical cycling of iron in the oceans. .


  • Maranger, R., D.F. Bird and N.M. Price, 1998. Iron acquisition by photosynthetic marine phytoplankton from ingested bacteria. Nature 396,248-251.
  • Ahner, B.A., J.G. Lee, N.M. Price, and F.M.M. Morel, 1998. Phytochelatin concentrations in the equatorial Pacific. .


  • Chase, Z. and N.M. Price, 1997. Metabolic consequences of iron limitation in heterotrophic protozoa. .


  • Maldonado, M.T. and N.M. Price, 1996. Influence of N substrate on Fe requirements of marine centric diatoms. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 141:161-172.
  • Tortell, P.D. and N.M. Price, 1996. Cadmium toxicity and zinc limitation in centric diatoms of the genus Thalassiosira. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 138:245-254 .
  • Tortell, P.D., M.T. Maldonado, and N.M. Price, 1996. The role of heterotrophic bacteria in Fe-limited ocean ecosystems. .


  • Joseph, E.M., F.M.M. Morel, and N.M. Price, 1995. Effects of aluminum and fluoride on phosphorus acquisition by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyceae). .


  • Ahner, B.A., N.M. Price, and F.M.M. Morel, 1994. Phytochelatin production by marine phytoplankton at low free metal ion concentrations: Laboratory studies and field data from Massachusetts Bay. .
  • Price, N.M., B.A. Ahner, and F.M.M. Morel, 1994. The equatorial Pacific Ocean: grazer-controlled phytoplankton populations in an iron-limited ecosystem. .
  • Wells, M.L., N.M. Price, and K.W. Bruland, 1994. Iron limitation and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus in equatorial Pacific waters. .


  • Cochlan, W.P., N.M. Price, and P.J. Harrison, 1991. Effects of irradiance on nitrogen uptake by phytoplankton: comparison of frontal and stratified communities. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 69:103-116.
  • Hatfield, D.L., B.J. Lee, N.M. Price, and T.C. Stadtman, 1991. Selenocysteyl-tRNA occurs in the diatom Thalassiosira and in the ciliate Tetrahymena. .
  • Morel, F.M.M., R.J.M. Hudson, and N.M. Price, 1991. Trace metal limitation in the sea. .
  • Morel, F.M.M., J.G. Rueter, and N.M. Price, 1991. Iron nutrition of phytoplankton and its possible importance in the ecology of ocean regions with high nutrient and low biomass. Oceanography 4:56-61.
  • Price, N.M., L.F. Anderson, and F.M.M. Morel, 1991. Iron and nitrogen nutrition of equatorial Pacific plankton. .
  • Price, N.M. and F.M.M. Morel, 1991. Colimitation of phytoplankton growth by nickel and nitrogen. .


  • Price, N.M. and F.M.M. Morel, 1990. Cadmium and cobalt substitution for zinc in a marine diatom. .


  • Price, N.M., G.I. Harrison, J.C. Hering, R.J. Hudson, B. Palenik, and F.M.M. Morel, 1988/89. Preparation and chemistry of the artificial algal culture medium Aquil. .


  • Harrison, P.J., P. Yu, P.A. Thompson, N.M. Price and D.J. Phillips, 1988. A survey of selenium requirements in marine phytoplankton. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 47:89-96.
  • Price, N.M. and P.J. Harrison, 1988. Urea uptake by Sargasso Sea phytoplankton: saturated and in situ uptake rates. .
  • Price, N.M. and P.J. Harrison, 1988. Specific selenium containing macromolecules in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. .
  • Price, N.M. and P.J. Harrison, 1988. Uptake of urea C and urea N by the coastal marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. .


  • Doucette, G.J., N.M. Price and P.J. Harrison, 1987. Effects of selenium deficiency on the morphology and ultrastructure of the coastal marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 23:9-17.
  • Liu, D.L., Y.P Yang, M.H. Hu, P.J. Harrison and N.M. Price, 1987. Selenium content of marine food chain organisms from the coast of China. Mar. Environ. Res. 22:151-158.
  • Price, N.M. and P.J. Harrison, 1987. A comparison of methods for the measurement of dissolved urea concentrations in seawater. Mar. Biol. 94:307-319.
  • Price, N.M., P.A. Thompson and P.J. Harrison, 1987. Selenium: an essential element for growth of the coastal marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 23:1-9.


  • Price, N.M., P.J. Harrison, F. Azam, M.R. Landry and K.J.F. Hall, 1986. Toxic effects of latex and tygon tubing on marine phytoplankton, zooplankton, and bacteria. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 34:41-49.
  • Suttle, C.A., N.M. Price, and P.J. Harrison, 1986. Polymerization of silica in acidic solutions: a note of caution to phycologists. J. Phycol. 22:234-237.


  • Kindle, E., R. Scharein, J. Thornberg, B. Mueller, N. Price, M. Bloom, F. Nezil, and L. Sobrino, 1985. The strategic defense initiative: A critical review. Prepared for the Special Joint Committee on Canada's International Relations. Physics in Canada 41:147-149.
  • Price, N.M., W.P. Cochlan and P.J. Harrison, 1985. Time course of uptake of organic and inorganic nitrogen by phytoplankton in the Strait of Georgia: comparison of frontal and stratified communities. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 27:39-53.


  • Trick, C.G., R.J. Andersen, N.M. Price, A. Gillam and P.J. Harrison, 1983. Examination of hydroxamate-siderophore production by neritic phytoplankton. Mar. Biol. 75:9-17.

Other Refereed Contributions


  • Wells ML, NM Price, KW Bruland 1995. Iron chemistry in seawater and its relationship to phytoplankton: A progress report. Mar. Chem. 48:157-182.


  • Price NM, FMM Morel 1994. Trace metal nutrition and toxicity in phytoplankton. In: Algae and Water Pollution, (Advances in Limnology; Heft 42), Rai, LC, JP Gaur, & CJ Soeder (ed.), E Schweizebbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, pp. 79-97.


  • Palenik, B., N.M. Price, F.M.M. Morel, 1990. Potential effects of UV-B on the chemical environment of marine organisms: A review. Environ. Pollution 70:117-130.

Non-Refereed Contributions


  • Sunda, WG, NM Price, and FMM Morel 2004. Trace metal ion buffers and their use in culture studies. In: Algal Culturing Techniques, R. Anderson (ed.) Taylor and Francis.


  • Price NM, FMM Morel 1998. Biological cycling of iron in the sea. In: Metal Ions in Biological Systems volume 35: Iron transport and storage in microorganisms, plants, and animals, A Sigel & H Sigel (eds.) p. 1-36.


  • Morel, F.M.M., D.A. Dzombak and N.M. Price, 1991. Heterogeneous reactions in coastal waters. In: Mantoura, R.F.C., J-.M. Martin, and R. Wollast (ed.) Ocean Margin Processes in Global Change. John Wiley, New York, pp. 165-180.


  • Price, N.M. and F.M.M. Morel, 1990. Role of extracellular enzymatic reactions in natural water. In: Stumm, W. (ed.) Aquatic Chemical Kinetics: Reaction Rates of Processes in Natural Waters. John Wiley, New York, pp. 235-257.

Conference Presentations

  1. Price, NM, JE Tremblay, and GS Peers. 2004. Iron uptake and elemental composition of phytoplankton in response to Fe-enrichment. SOLAS Annual Meeting, Montreal, May, 2004.
  2. Adly, CL, E Armstrong, GS Peers, JE Tremblay, and NM Price. 2004. Response of heterotrophic bacteria to Fe enrichment during the SERIES iron experiment. SOLAS Annual Meeting, Montreal, May, 2004.
  3. Tremblay, JE, GS Peers, and NM Price. 2004. Responses of Phytoplankton to a Mesoscale Fe Enrichment in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean (SERIES, C-SOLAS) Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, Feb. 2004.
  4. Adly, CL, E Armstrong, GS Peers, JE Tremblay, and NM Price. 2004. Iron limitation of heterotrophic bacteria in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, Feb. 2004.
  5. Peers, GS, and NM Price. 2003. A role for Mn in superoxide dismutases and the growth of Fe-deficient diatoms. CEBIC Annual Meeting, June 2003, Princeton NJ.
  6. Tremblay J-E, NM Price. 2002. The effect of iron in the C/N/P/Si composition of phytoplankton: Does Fe-deficiency affect structural or labile, soluble pools? Ocean Sciences Meeting, Hawaii, Feb. 11-15.
  7. Lovejoy C, NM Price, L Legendre. 2002. An experimental approach to understanding bloom maintenance or decline. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Hawaii, Feb. 11-15.
  8. Lovejoy, C., N.M. Price, and L. Legendre) 2001. Life at low light in a polar ocean. International Polynya Symposium. Quebec City, Sept. 9-13.
  9. Price NM, E Armstrong, J Granger, MT Maldonado 2001. Microbial uptake of Fe siderophore complexes: Receptors of bacteria and reductases of phytoplankton. CEBIC annual meeting, Princeton, invited.
  10. Adly CL, GS Peers, NM Price 2001. Regulation of ascorbate peroxidase activity by light and Fe in Thalassiosira weissflogii. CEBIC.
  11. Peers GL, NM Price 2001. Substitution between Mn and Fe in a marine diatom. CEBIC.
  12. Tremblay J-E, E Bucciarelli, B Van der Wagt, H de Baar, NM Price 2001. Effect of iron on the C/N/P/Si composition of diatoms, a partial synthesis. ASLO Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
  13. Price, NM, J Granger and E Armstrong, 2000. Iron-siderophore receptors of heterotrophic marine bacteria. PICES-IFEP Planning Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan.
  14. Tremblay JE, and NM Price 2000. Nutrients, water masses and new production in the North Water Polynya. ASLO Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  15. Peers, G. and N.M. Price, 2000. Increase in superoxide dismutase activity in Fe-limited cultures of the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. ASLO Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  16. Nodwell, L. and N.M. Price, 2000. Inorganic colloidal iron use by marine mixotrophic algae. ASLO Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  17. Maldonado MT, PW Boyd, R Strzepek, M.Gall, PJ Harrison, NM Price, 2000. Physiological response of Southern Ocean phytoplankton to a mesoscale Fe enrichment. ASLO Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  18. Maldonado MT, NM Price 2000. The role of ferric chelate reductase in Fe acquisition by a marine diatom. ASLO Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  19. Tremblay J-E, NM Price. 2000. Influence of Fe on elemental composition of Thalassiosira. CEBIC annual meeting, Princeton.
  20. Peers GS, NM Price. 2000. Fe/Mn interactions in marine diatoms. CEBIC annual meeting, Princeton.
  21. Adly CL, GS Peers, NM Price. 2000. Ascorbate peroxidase activity in Thalassiosira weissflogii is independent of Fe-nutritional status. CEBIC annual meeting, Princeton.
  22. Lovejoy C, NM Price, C Payne, L Legendre. 2000. Marine pelagic microbial communities under advective regimes. 7th European Marine Microbiology Symposium, Novrdwijkerhoust, The Netherlands, Sept. 17-22.
  23. Tremblay J-E, MI Lucas, NM Price. 1999. What controls C/N/P ratios of uptake by phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean? Joint Global Ocean Flux Study meeting, Brest, France.
  24. Nodwell, L., and N.M. Price, 1999. Colloidal Fe use by mixotrophic algae. Forum Quebecois en Sciences de la Mer. Institute Maurice Lamontagne, Rimouski, QC.
  25. Peers, G. and N.M. Price, Increase in superoxide dismutase activity in Fe-limited cultures of the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Actin). Forum Quebecois en Sciences de la Mer. Institute Maurice Lamontagne, Rimouski, QC 1999.
  26. Tremblay, J-E, Y. Gratton, and N.M. Price, 1999. Origin and importance of different water masses in the North Water Polynya: A functional classification of sampling sites. Forum Quebecois en Sciences de la Mer. Institute Maurice Lamontagne, Rimouski, QC.
  27. Granger J, NM Price, 1999. A putative membrane receptor for desferal in heterotrophic marine bacteria. CEBIC annual meeting, Princeton.
  28. Nodwell, L. and N.M. Price, 1999. Colloidal Fe utilization by mixotrophic phytoplankton. CEBIC annual meeting, Princeton
  29. Peers, G. and N.M. Price, 1999. Iron regulation of superoxide dismutase activity in a marine diatom. CEBIC annual meeting, Princeton
  30. Price, N.M., 1999. Ferric chelate reductases. CEBIC annual meeting, Princeton.
  31. Price, N.M., V. Pretty, and C. Payne, 1999. Evolution of resistance in Chlorophyceae exposed to long-term cadmium stress. CEBIC annual meeting, Princeton
  32. Tremblay J-E, CD Payne, NM Price 1999. How productive is the North Water Polynya? Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA.
  33. Price NM 1999. The biogeochemistry of iron in the sea. Bioiron99, Sorento, Italy May 22-29, invited.
  34. Nodwell L. and N.M. Price, 1999. Mixotrophic flagellates use inorganic colloidal Fe for growth. NEAS April.
  35. Peers G. and N.M. Price, 1999. The effects of Fe deficiency on SOD activities in the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (clone Actin) NEAS April.
  36. Nodwell, L. and N.M. Price, 1998. Ingestion of inorganic iron colloids by mixotrophic marine phytoplankton. Forum Quebecois en Sciences de la Mer. Universite Laval, QC.
  37. Maranger, R., D.M. Bird and N.M. Price, 1998. Iron acquisition by ingestion of bacteria in an open sea photosynthetic flagellate. FEMS Marine Microbiology Meeting May 17-21, Spain.
  38. Granger, J. and N.M. Price, 1997. The availability of siderophore bound Fe to marine eubacteria. Gordon Research Conference, Chemical Oceanography, Kimbal Union Academy, NH.
  39. Price, N.M., 1997. Utilization of complexed Fe by eucaryotic marine phytoplankton. Gordon Research Conference, Chemical Oceanography, Kimbal Union Academy, NH., invited.
  40. Ahner, B.A., J.G. Lee, N.M. Price, and F.M.M. Morel, 1996. Phytochelatin: A barometer of Cd utilization of Cd toxicity in the open ocean? Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  41. Chase, Z. and N.M. Price, 1996. Iron retention by protozoan grazers. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  42. Maldonado, M.T. and N.M. Price, 1996. Iron acquisition by phytoplankton: Laboratory and field results. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  43. Payne, C.D. and N.M. Price, 1996. Phylogenetic trends in trace metal toxicity of marine phytoplankton. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  44. Tortell, P.D. and N.M. Price, 1996. Iron requirements of marine heterotrophic bacteria: Effects of Fe deficiency on growth and cellular metabolism. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  45. Ahner, B.A., J.G. Lee, N.M. Price, and F.M.M. Morel, 1995. Phytochelatins in the equatorial Pacific: Evidence of Cd utilization? Gordon Research Conference, Chemical Oceanography, Kimbal Union Academy, NH.
  46. Maldonado, M.T. and N.M. Price, 1995. Exigences et acquisition de Fe par les diatomes marines sous deux differentes sources d'azote. Association Canadienne Francaise pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Chicoutimi, PQ.
  47. Maldonado, M.T. and N.M. Price, 1995. Iron acquisition by centric marine diatoms. American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA.
  48. Maldonado, M.T. and N.M. Price, 1995. Fe acquisition by marine centric diatoms. Northeast Algal Symposium, Woods Hole, MA.
  49. Payne, C.D. and N.M. Price, 1995. Etude phylogenetique de la toxicite du Cd chez le phytoplancton marine. ACFAS, Chicoutimi, PQ.
  50. Payne, C.D. and N.M. Price, 1995. Resistance to cadmium toxicity in marine phytoplankton. Northeast Algal Symposium, Woods Hole, MA.
  51. Tortell, P.D. and N.M. Price, 1995. Antagonistic interactions between zinc and cadmium in centric diatoms of the genus Thalassiosira. Northeast Algal Symposium, Woods Hole, MA.
  52. Erdner, D.L., N.M. Price and D.M. Anderson, 1994. A molecular response to iron limitation in marine phytoplankton. ASLO summer meeting, Miami, FL.
  53. Maldonado, M. and N.M. Price, 1994. Iron requirements of equatorial Pacific diatoms. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  54. Price, N.M., 1994. Iron regulation of phytoplankton growth in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Huntsman Marine Science Centre, Silver Anniversary Symposium, June 14-16, St. Andrews, NB.
  55. Price, N.M. and S. Ho, 1994. Elemental composition and growth of Fe-limited Thalassiosira weissflogii. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  56. Price, N.M. and M.T. Maldonado, 1994. Iron acquisition by marine diatoms consuming different nitrogen substrates. Workshop on Iron Speciation and its Availability to Phytoplankton in Seawater. Bermuda, May 2-6.
  57. Wells, M.L., N.M. Price and K.W. Bruland, 1994. Iron limitation and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus in Equatorial Pacific Waters. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  58. Ahner, B.A., N.M. Price, and F.M.M. Morel, 1993. Phytochelatins indicate metal pollution in urban coastal waters. Gordon Research Conference, Chemical Oceanography, Kimbal Union Academy, NH.
  59. Price, N.M., 1993. Iron and grazing control of NO3- use in the EQPAC. Gordon Research Conference, Chemical Oceanography, Kimbal Union Academy, NH, invited.
  60. Ahner, B.A., F.M.M. Morel, and N.M. Price, 1992. Phytoplankton response to metal stress: Cd, Cu, and Zn. AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  61. Price, N.M., 1991. Effects of trace metals on ocean production. ASLO summer meeting, Halifax, NS, invited.
  62. Price, N.M. and F.M.M. Morel, 1991. Nitrogen metabolism by phytoplankton growing under iron deficiency. ASLO summer meeting, Halifax, NS.
  63. Andersen, L.F., N.M. Price and F.M.M. Morel, 1990. Toxicity of copper and lead in Thalassiosira weissflogii: Increased susceptibility under nickel limitation. ASLO winter meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  64. Price, N.M. and F.M.M. Morel, 1990. Cadmium and cobalt stimulation of algal growth in zinc-depleted seawater. ASLO winter meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  65. Morel, F.M.M. and N.M. Price, 1989. Indirect effects of UV radiation on phytoplankton. Workshop on Effects of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation on Biogeochemical Dynamics in Aquatic Environments. MBL, Woods Hole, MA.
  66. Nirel, P.M., N.M. Price, and F.M.M. Morel, 1988. Study of EDTA stability in seawater. ASLO summer meeting, Boulder, CO.
  67. Price, N.M. and F.M.M. Morel, 1988. Nickel uptake by Thalassiosira weissflogii: effects of nitrogen nutrition. ASLO summer meeting, Boulder, CO.
  68. Price, N.M. and F.M.M. Morel, 1988. Intracellular distribution and identification of Ni-containing proteins and macromolecules in Thalassiosira weissflogii. ASLO winter meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  69. Cochlan, W.P., N.M. Price and P.J. Harrison, 1986. Light dependence of nitrate and urea uptake by phytoplankton in frontal and stratified waters of the Strait of Georgia. ASLO Winter Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Eos 67(44):980.
  70. Doucette, G.J., Price, N.M. and P.J. Harrison, 1986. Effects of selenium deficiency on the ultrastructure of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (clone 3H). 2nd Northwest Algal Symposium, Bamfield, BC.
  71. Price, N.M., 1986. Urea uptake by nitrate-limited chemostat cultures of Thalassiosira pseudonana (clone 3H). ASLO/PSA conference, Rhode Island.
  72. Price, N.M. and P.J. Harrison, 1986. Uptake and incorporation of selenium: Further evidence of a specific requirement for selenium in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (clone 3H). 2nd Northwest Algal Symposium, Bamfield, BC.
  73. Price, N.M. and P.J. Harrison, 1986. Saturated nitrogen uptake rates of Sargasso Sea phytoplankton. ASLO Winter Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Eos 67(44):979.
  74. Price, N.M., P.A. Thompson, G.J. Doucette and P.J. Harrison, 1986. A selenium requirement for Thalassiosira pseudonana (clone 3H). ASLO/PSA conference, Rhode Island.
  75. Cochlan, W.P., N.M. Price and P.J. Harrison, 1984. Time course of uptake of organic and inorganic nitrogen by phytoplankton in the Strait of Georgia: comparison of frontal and stratified communities. Eos 65(45):921.
  76. Price, N.M. and P.J. Harrison, 1984. A comparison between the urease and diacetyl monoxime methods for measuring dissolved urea concentration in seawater. Eos 64(45):921.
  77. Trick, C.G., R.J. Andersen, N.M. Price and P.J. Harrison, 1982. The production of hydroxamate-type siderophores by marine eukaryotic phytoplankton. Eos 63(45):945.
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