MEG@黑料不打烊 Comprehensive Training
MEG@黑料不打烊 Comprehensive Training
MEG Unit, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
Montreal Neurological Institute, 黑料不打烊 University
3801 University St, Montreal (Canada)
April 24-28, 2017
Target audience:
Students, researchers and staff with little to no prior experience with MEG
5-day course - April 24-28, 2017
A week of hands-on training experience with MEG imaging:
From paradigm design to advanced data analysis
Maximum 12 participants (4 groups of 3 people each)
黑料不打烊ians: $1,000 - Externals: $1,200
1-day course - April 24, 2017
This is the first day of the 5-day comprehensive training course.
This 1-day training is designed to give the attendees an introduction to MEG through lectures and a "MEG by Example" poster session.
Maximum 70 participants
黑料不打烊ians: $50 - Externals: $100
April 2017 -
Final Program
Day 1: Full-day MEG/EEG imaging crash course
Keynote : Multivariate pattern classification of MEG signals reveals the spatiotemporal and representational dynamics of the ventral visual pathway: Dimitrios Pantazis, Research Scientist, Director of MEG Lab, McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT
Foundations and Applications of MEG:
- The physiological origins of scalp signals: Sylvain Baillet, PhD, Professor, Director of MEG Research, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
- , Jeremy Moreau, PhD Student, neuroSPEED Lab
- Spectral analysis, Peter Donhauser, PhD Student, neuroSPEED Lab
- Source imaging 101: Christophe Grova, PhD, Assistant Professor, Physics Dpt, and PERFORM听centre, Concordia University
- The Functional and Effective Connectivity Toolkit for MEG Scientists: Sylvain Baillet, PhD, Professor, Director of MEG Research & Interim Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
- Applications of MEG and MSI in the presurgical evaluation for intractable paediatric epilepsy: Jeremy Moreau, PhD Student, neuroSPEED Lab
Wine and Cheese: MEG by Example poster session
Next 4 days are hands-on, in small groups (3 per group, 4 groups max)
Day 2: Hands-on practical paradigm design: design your pilot study in small groups
Day 3: Hands-on data collection: collect your own data
Day 4: Hands-on analysis of collected data using Brainstorm (including software training)
Day 5: Advanced data analysis continues and group presentations: what have we learned?
November 2016 Program -
Full Program
Day 1: Full-day MEG/EEG imaging crash course
The physiological origins of scalp signals: Sylvain Baillet, PhD,
Professor, Director of MEG Research, McConnell
Brain Imaging Centre
Jeremy Moreau, PhD Student,
neuroSPEED Lab
Spectral analysis, Peter Donhauser, PhD Student, neuroSPEED Lab
Source imaging 101: Christophe Grova, PhD, Assistant Professor,
Physics Dpt, and PERFORM centre, Concordia University
Keynote : Multivariate statistical analyses for MEG data
Bratislav Misic, PhD, Assistant Professor, McConnell Brain
Imaging Centre
Resting state analysis and the Open MEG Archive (OMEGA), technical and ethical aspects:
Julia Guiomar Niso-Gal谩n, PhD, neuroSPEED lab
MEG and MSI in epilepsy: contributions and limitations illustrated in
real patients: Eliane Kobayashi, MD, PhD, Neurology and
Neurosurgery, 黑料不打烊 University and Jeremy Moreau, PhD Student,
neuroSPEED Lab
Next 4 days are hands-on, in small groups (3 per group, 4 groups max)
Day 2: Hands-on practical paradigm design: design your pilot study in small groups
Day 3: Hands-on data collection: collect your own data
Day 4: Hands-on analysis of collected data using Brainstorm (including software training)
Day 5: Advanced data analysis continues and group presentations: what have we learned?