ARIA Internship Spotlight /arts-internships/taxonomy/term/892/all en ARIA Spotlight: Fion Zhen /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-fion-zhen <p>This project, “Back to the Conjuncture: The History of ‘History from Below’,” lays the preliminary groundwork for the history of ‘history from below’. ‘History from below’, broadly construed, is a type of historiography that claims that history ought to be written from the standpoint of ordinary people rather than elites.</p> Wed, 23 Oct 2024 18:57:10 +0000 Fion Zhen 4546 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Selma Toubal-Seghir /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-selma-toubal-seghir <p>This summer, I worked on a research project that explored the role of devaluation at relationship initiation. Our study focused on devaluation of physical attractiveness, which refers to negatively biased evaluations of a temptation. The study took place under the supervision of Prof. John E. Lydon at the Lydon Lab. Data was collected throughout the summer via an online dating study where single ϲ students were matched with confederate profiles. Subsequently, devaluation was measured, both implicitly and explicitly.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:23:30 +0000 Selma Toubal-Seghir 4535 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Huy Trinh /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-huy-trinh <p>As an ARIA recipient this summer, I worked with Professor Fabian Lange from the Department of Economics and one of his PhD students, Hai Ma, on the project “Building a Database on Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in Vietnam since 2000”. I particularly wanted to participate in this project because I am interested in economics research, especially about my home country Vietnam. Furthermore, I wanted to apply what I have learned in both of my majors (Economics and Computer Science) on a hands-on project.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:27:05 +0000 Huy Nhat Trinh 4536 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Flora Situ /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-flora-situ <p>My ARIA project, entitled “Enchanted Imaginative Geography: The Literary Production of Space in South Asian Writing,” centers on the literary production of space in the creative process of travel-writing. My supervisor, Professor Sandeep Banerjee, is currently researching the impact of the Cold War on the literary, cultural, and theoretical worlds of Bengali, Hindi, and Anglophone writing from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:19:24 +0000 Flora Situ 4534 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Natan Sakajiri /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-natan-sakajiri <p>Throughout the summer, I have had the pleasure of working on my ARIA project, ‘Translation as Renewal’. Under the supervision of Professor Philip Buckley, I explored a series of articles written by the philosopher Edmund Husserl in 1923-1924. Written for the Japanese journal <i>Kaizo</i>, these articles’ translation and publication into Japanese was never completed. To commemorate the centenary of some of the articles’ original publication, a new translation effort into English and Japanese began.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:09:41 +0000 Natan Sakajiri 4533 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Malaika Raymond /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-malaika-raymond <p>As a social work student, participating in this ARIA internship was a great opportunity to develop my research interest. Being supervised by Prof. Katherine Maurer and participating in their project was a learning experience. Their project is called <i>Developing a trauma-informed care virtual simulation learning experience: Countering implicit cultural bias in service provision. </i>It is in the early stage of development and my role during the internship was to conduct a literature review of the measures and principles of cultural safety used in the practice of social work.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:04:46 +0000 Malaika Raymond 4531 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Lawrence Plastina /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-lawrence-plastina <p>The title of my project is “Gun Ownership Among Ukrainian Civilians: Changes in Prevalence Post-Invasion?” This project was created as part of the Ukraine Public Security in Transition Project and was supervised by Dr. Aaron Erlich. My research goals were threefold. First, I aimed to determine if gun ownership among Ukrainian civilians has changed in recent years. Second, I wanted to assess the demographic and political predictors of gun ownership, hypothesizing that civilians in eastern and southern regions would be more likely to own guns.</p> Wed, 23 Oct 2024 18:55:08 +0000 Lawrence Plastina 4545 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Aidan Maddock /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-aidan-maddock <p>My ARIA project, under the supervision of Professor Sebastien Breau of the Geography Department, explored the spatial distributions of household effects from federal carbon pricing programs in Canada.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:56:00 +0000 Aidan Maddock 4529 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Eliza Lee /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-eliza-lee <p>In my ARIA project, “Interdisciplinary Energy: Keywords for the Just Storage Project,” I assembled a list of keywords in support of the Just Storage Project—a project that aims create an interdisciplinary framework to guide research, policy, and action in the development of energy storage technologies and systems. The Just Storage Project is led by Professor Darin Barney (PI) of the Grierson Research Group, Professor Eric McCalla of the McCalla Lab, and Professor Mylene Riva, Canada Research Chair in Housing, Community, and Health.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:53:34 +0000 Eliza Lee 4528 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Isabelle Hawkins /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-isabelle-hawkins <p>My summer 2024 Arts Research Internship Award project focused on processes of authentication. Under the supervision of Professor Gwendolyn Owens, I examined three works of art in ϲ’s Visual Arts Collection. The aim of my project was to establish guidelines for art authentication while reviewing the terminology we use to present and explain works of art. As an Intern at the Visual Arts Collection, I also learned how to navigate our database, CollectionSpace, how to handle works of art, how to do condition reports, how to give tours, and how to write object labels.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:37:28 +0000 Isabelle Hawkins 4524 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Hannah Hagos /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-hannah-hagos <p>My ARIA project, <i>Complaints, Racism and Democratic Accountability: Mapping Barriers in Canada’s Police Service Boards and Human Rights Institutions</i>, focuses on highlighting the burdens that racialized people, particularly Black Canadians, experience when trying to file complaints relating to racism. I worked with my supervisor, Professor Thompson, to assess the ways in which human rights commissions (“HRCs”) and police service boards (“PSBs”) handle racism complaints.</p> Wed, 23 Oct 2024 18:49:27 +0000 Hannah Hagos 4544 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Xujia Guan /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-xujia-guan <p>In my ARIA project, I researched the “Pedagogical Evolution of Asian American Literature in Secondary School Curricula” under the mentorship of Professor Alexander Manshel from the English department. I employed a variety of methods from traditional literature review and close reading, to a more quantitative analysis of data from standardized tests.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:32:33 +0000 Xujia Guan 4523 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Sophia Flaim /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-sophia-flaim <p>My ARIA project was called “Examining Word Order Variation in Kanien’kéha,” and I was supervised by Professor Jessica Coon. The overall goal of the project was to learn more about “free” word order patterns in Kanien’kéha, which can be affected by various information structural factors such as topic and focus.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:23:01 +0000 Sophia Flaim 4521 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Natalia Feu /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-natalia-feu <p>My ARIA project this summer, “The Case of the Missing Vowels: Analysis of Lushootseed Sound System and Syllable Structure,” focused on Lushootseed, an underdocumented Indigenous language of the Puget Sound region of Washington State. Lushootseed belongs to the Salish language family, which is known for having large consonant inventories and unusually long and complex strings of consonants. As Lushootseed no longer has native speakers, the revitalization efforts active in the region target language learners with an English-speaking background.</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:12:06 +0000 Natalia Feu 4519 at /arts-internships ARIA Spotlight: Minna Fisher /arts-internships/article/aria-internship-spotlight/aria-spotlight-minna-fisher <p>My ARIA research project was assisting Professor Dietlind Stolle, chair of the Political Science department at ϲ, in writing an upcoming paper about gender identity and its impact on populist radical right-wing voting. This paper, which we aim to publish in the fall, is titled “How does Masculinity Threat Change Politics: The Role of Gender Identity for the Vote of Radical Right Parties in Europe.”</p> Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:14:24 +0000 Minna Fisher 4520 at /arts-internships