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EDAR7 2024 Call for Workshops is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a workshop proposal.听 听Acceptance notification for all EDAR7 workshop submissions: March 1, 2024

EDAR7 workshops will be held on May 29th, embedded within the EDAR7 main conference and each will last for half a day (3 to 6 hours). Workshops will take place in-person only. Workshop organizers will have several responsibilities, including coordinating workshop participation and content, publicizing and providing the program for the workshop in a timely manner, moderating the program throughout the workshop, and providing a report on the outcome of the conference.


The goal of the workshops is to provide an opportunity for more in-depth examination and discussion of key issues, examples of which are addressing specific research topics that need greater coordination to promote innovation; performing research informing mitigation and risk reduction; writing science-informed guidance for policy development; and providing training in topics like genomics, integrating AMR projects and harmonizing methods across the One Health continuum, AI and AMR, and other topics.

Workshops can be on any subject relevant to a significant proportion of the EDAR7 community and we are open to all proposals of value. Schedules and formats should encourage participatory activities and debates, and topics should lean more towards exploring new ideas, open problems, and interdisciplinary areas compared to the main conference. Workshops should limit contributed content and reserve a significant portion of time for open/panel discussions and a diversity of speakers. Finally, proposals that bring together stakeholders, researchers and policy makers are encouraged. We are planning to select 6 to 8 workshops with each accommodating 50-75 participants. We encourage workshop organizers to be cognizant of designing panels and speaker lists that are inclusive.

The expected output(s) are dialogue to inform policy briefs for important stakeholders, publications and/or training.

Below, we include the criteria by which workshop submissions will be evaluated:

  1. Fit for EDAR7 (how the topic of the workshop connects to EDAR7 themes)
  2. Potential impact (i.e., a promising topic for wider use or implementation)
  3. Novelty and originality (an emerging topic)
  4. Quality of the proposal and clarity of purpose
  5. Organizers' relevant expertise (please avoid excessive self-promotion)
  6. Diversity in the organizing team and speakers
  7. Confirmed invited speakers with sufficient coverage of the topic
  8. Room for contributed work (e.g., posters and contributed talks)
  9. Room for discussion: degree to which the proposed program offers opportunity for discussion
  10. Strength of planned outcomes

Submission Format

Proposals should use the template with Calibri font size 11 or greater and should clearly specify the following:

  • Workshop title
  • Brief description of the topics to be covered, and an explanation as to why the workshop will appeal to EDAR7 audiences
  • Short description and rough timetable of all planned activities (talks, posters, panels)
  • List of invited speakers, specifying who has been confirmed
  • Description of the history of the workshop (if it previously took place, then when/where)
  • Similar past and current events at EDAR7 in the last 1-2 years, even if not organized by the present workshop organizers: New workshops are welcome to build on prior workshops if a good case is made; completely original workshops are also welcome
  • List of organizers and proposed speakers with email addresses, web page URLs, pointers to Google Scholar or other similar citation service pages, a one-paragraph bio for each, describing research expertise, and previous experience organizing scientific meetings. We will assume all organizers are intending to participate in person.
  • Names of two organizers designated as contacts for all communications

EDAR7 does not provide travel funding for workshop speakers; in the past, some workshops have sought and received funding from external sources to bring in outside speakers. We encourage this. If the conference is sold out, each workshop will be given a few guaranteed registrations for workshop contributors, so please let us know in your application how many such registrations you anticipate you will need.


  • Can we host a workshop with a virtual component?
    • No, workshops will only consist of in-person activities.
  • Do organizers need to attend the workshop in-person?
    • At least one organizer must attend the workshop in-person.
  • Can workshop speakers give virtual talks?
    • All talks will be in-person.
  • Will there be technical support to help with the workshop?
    • Yes

EDAR 2024 Workshop co-chairs

David W Graham (Newcastle University)
Dominic Poulin-Laprade (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)

For inquiries regarding the proposal process, please contact听EDAR7.secretariat [at]听

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