Media@ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ 2017-2018 /ahcs/taxonomy/term/296/all en The Centennial Flight /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/centennial-flight <p><img height="400" width="320" style="float: left;" class="file-large lt" src="/ahcs/files/ahcs/styles/wysiwyg_large/public/kite_by_yen-chao_lin.jpg?itok=RrWd3lRt" alt="" />Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ is one of the sponsors of <a href="" target="_blank"><em>The Centennial Flight</em></a>.</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:53:55 +0000 42548 at /ahcs Film Screening and discussion presented by Media@ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ and KABANE77 /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/film-screening-and-discussion-presented-mediamcgill-and-kabane77 <p>Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ presents a film screeningpreceded by a discussion with members of KABANE77:</p> <p><strong>Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival</strong></p> <p>A film by Fabrizio Terranova, 2016, 90 min</p> <p>Thursday, September 28, 2017 @ 5:30 p.m.</p> <p>Cultural Studies screening room, 3475 Peel Street, Room 101</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:12:17 +0000 42549 at /ahcs Emerging Media Scholars @ ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ: Reem Hilu, Elizabeth Parke, Shirley Roburn /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/emerging-media-scholars-mcgill-reem-hilu-elizabeth-parke-shirley-roburn <p>Join us on <b>Wednesday, October 25, 2017, 5:45 p.m. (Arts 230, Arts Building, ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University, 853 Sherbrooke Street West) </b>for an evening devoted to current media studies research by three postdoctoral and visiting scholars in the Media<span>@</span>span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ community:</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:16:30 +0000 42550 at /ahcs Opposing Racial Profiling and Police Violence /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/opposing-racial-profiling-and-police-violence <p>Please join Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ and the Black Students' Network for a public plenary panel and discussion about police violence, racial profiling, media advocacy, and activist strategies in Montreal and Toronto. This is an open, free public event, and we invite broad attendance from students, community members, academics, and activists alike.</p> <p>Dr. Rachel Zellars, ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University will moderate this discussion.</p> <p>The panel discussion will take place on <strong>Wednesday, November 8, 2017,</strong> at the <strong>Faculty of Law, Moot Court, 3644 Peel Street.</strong></p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:18:33 +0000 42551 at /ahcs Essentials of qualitative data analysis: The use of software tools (NVivo) /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/essentials-qualitative-data-analysis-use-software-tools-nvivo <p>As part of its series of digital humanities training workshops, Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ is organizing a <strong>workshop on qualitative data analysis</strong> on <strong>Wednesday, January 31, 2018</strong>, from <strong>9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.</strong> in <strong>Arts W-220, Faculty of Arts, 853 Sherbrooke Street West,</strong> Montreal, QC.</p> <p><strong>Description:</strong></p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:27:19 +0000 42552 at /ahcs Increasing Diversity in Local Tech and Media Organizations: Strategies from the Field /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/increasing-diversity-local-tech-and-media-organizations-strategies-field <p><img height="180" width="320" class="file-large no-float" src="/ahcs/files/ahcs/styles/wysiwyg_large/public/diversitytech_photos.jpg?itok=blteb5e5" alt="" /></p> <p><strong>Panelists:</strong> <a href="#SL">Stephanie Little</a> (HR Manager, Hubba), <a href="#RCP">Rebecca Cohen-Palacios</a> (Director, Pixelles/Game Developer, Ubisoft), <a href="#CB">Chris Bergeron</a> (VP Content Experience, Cossette), <a href="#KAST">Karl-André St-Victor</a> (Director, Chalet Kent)</p> <p><strong>Moderator:</strong> <a href="#MK">Molly Kohli</a> (Social Media Editor, CBC Montreal)</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:33:25 +0000 42553 at /ahcs An Evening with Deanna Bowen /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/evening-deanna-bowen <p></p><div class="image-caption-container lt"><img height="600" width="488" style="width: 320px; height: 393px; float: left;" class="file-original lt" src="/ahcs/files/ahcs/bowen_long_doorway.jpg" alt="" /><div class="image-caption">Image: Deanna Bowen, The Long Doorway Annotations (2017), courtesy of the artist.</div></div>Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ presents: <p><strong>An Evening with the Artist Deanna Bowen in conversation with curator Erandy Vergara</strong></p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:37:23 +0000 42554 at /ahcs Journalism, Redefined - two-day conference /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/journalism-redefined-two-day-conference <p>Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has been a strong and steady supporter of Student Journalism Week, a yearly event at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University bringing together student, aspiring and practicing journalists to share information and network.</p> <p>The 2018 edition features a two-day conference, <strong>Journalism, Redefined</strong> (February 26-28, 2018).</p> <p>Speakers include journalists from <em>The New York Times</em>, <em>Globe and Mail</em> and the CBC, academics, and Christine Crowther, a Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ awardee and PhD candidate.</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:40:12 +0000 42555 at /ahcs She, the many-voiced one of one voice - poetry readings by M. NourbeSe Philip, Cecily Nicholson, and Mercedes Eng /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/she-many-voiced-one-one-voice-poetry-readings-m-nourbese-philip-cecily-nicholson-and-mercedes-eng <p><img height="181" width="320" style="float: left;" class="file-large lt" src="/ahcs/files/ahcs/styles/wysiwyg_large/public/she_the_many-voiced_one_of_one_voice.jpg?itok=ZSU2EvpW" alt="" />Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ is co-sponsoring <strong><u><a href="" title="Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link">"She, the many-voiced one of one voice." An evening of readings by M.</a></u></strong></p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:43:08 +0000 42556 at /ahcs KABANE77: Archive of the common /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/kabane77-archive-common <p>March 16, 2018<br /> Workshop (10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.), followed by discussion and screening</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:47:22 +0000 42557 at /ahcs Cruel Design/Disobedient Design – The Art and Politics of Designing for Social Justice /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/cruel-designdisobedient-design-art-and-politics-designing-social-justice <p><img height="393" width="320" style="float: left; width: 290px; height: 415px;" class="file-large lt" src="/ahcs/files/ahcs/styles/wysiwyg_large/public/crueldesign_poster_web.jpg?itok=kO563Ef5" alt="" />Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ and the <a href="/ahcs/speakerseries">AHCS Speaker Series</a> have invited <strong>Anna Feigenbaum, Minute Works, and Gavin Grindon</strong> to give a talk, <strong>"Cruel Design / Disobedient Design – The Art and Politics of Designing for Social Justice."</strong></p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:53:35 +0000 42558 at /ahcs Beaverbrook Annual Lecture: Alanis Obomsawin & Jarrett Martineau /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/beaverbrook-annual-lecture-alanis-obomsawin-jarrett-martineau <p><img height="487" width="320" style="float: left;" class="file-large lt" src="/ahcs/files/ahcs/styles/wysiwyg_large/public/bal_2018_20180319.jpg?itok=-977ydou" alt="" />For this year's <strong>Beaverbrook Annual Lecture</strong>, Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has invited two speakers.</p> <p>Join us on <strong>Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 6 p.m.</strong> as we welcome <strong>Alanis Obomsawin & Jarrett Martineau for an intergenerational dialogue on Indigenous media & cultural production.</strong></p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 16:22:45 +0000 42560 at /ahcs Biomusic workshop with Spectrum Productions /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/biomusic-workshop-spectrum-productions <p><strong>Biomusic workshop with Spectrum Productions</strong><br /> <b><strong>April 4th, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Arts W-5</strong></b></p> <p><strong>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University, 853 Sherbrooke Street West </strong></p> <p>Biomusic is a novel technology that translates physiological signals into auditory output. Pilot studies have indicated that biomusic has the ability to increase feelings of interpersonal connection and to generate awareness of the emotional state of the user.</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 16:00:00 +0000 42559 at /ahcs Black Women Wailing - talk by Manoucheka Celeste /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/black-women-wailing-talk-manoucheka-celeste <p><img height="495" width="320" style="float: left;" class="file-large lt" src="/ahcs/files/ahcs/styles/wysiwyg_large/public/manouchekaposter_april9.jpg?itok=iUQgCWoO" alt="" />Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ and IGSF are co-sponsoring a talk, <strong>"Black Women Wailing: Calling for Justice on Television & in the Public Sphere,"</strong> given by Dr. Manoucheka Celeste, Assistant Professor, Center for Gender, Sexualities, and Women’s Studies Research, African American Studies Program, University of Florida.</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 16:24:06 +0000 42561 at /ahcs Uterine Concert Hall - Dayna McLeod, Media@ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ artist-in-residence /ahcs/mediamcgill/2017-18/uterine-concert-hall-dayna-mcleod-mediamcgill-artist-residence <p>Media<span>@</span>ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ's third artist-in-residence for the 2017-2018 year is Dayna McLeod, co-hosted by Studio XX. She will be in residence during May, 2018 when she will present the <strong>Uterine Concert Hall, </strong>a performance work in which her body is the venue.</p> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 16:44:00 +0000 42562 at /ahcs