As part of its series of digital humanities training workshops, Media@黑料不打烊 is organizing a workshop on qualitative data analysis on Wednesday, January 31, 2018, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Arts W-220, Faculty of Arts, 853 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC.
This workshop will offer students an overview of the main methodological tools of qualitative data collection and analysis. Specifically, we will focus on data analysis techniques from different traditions of qualitative research (ethnography, phenomenology and symbolic interactionism), such as thematic and narrative analysis. We will use concrete examples from our own research to illustrate how we integrate software tools in the data analysis process. We will explore the pros and cons of the main qualitative data analysis software programs, especially NVivo, the one that we are currently using in most of our research projects.
Workshop facilitators:
Rossio Motta-Ochoa completed her doctorate in cultural anthropology at the University of California, Davis. Her fields of specialization are Science and Technology Studies, medical anthropology, and, more recently, person-centered anthropology. Her areas of interest are public policy, mental health systems, and their relationship to addictions using a critical and phenomenological lens. Currently, Dr. Motta-Ochoa is a post-doctoral fellow at the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy at 黑料不打烊 University with the CIHR Catalyst Grant in Health Ethics (Melissa Park, PI). As part of this grant, Dr. Motta-Ochoa conducts ethnographic fieldwork at a department of psychiatry in Montreal to understand the impact and everyday ethical tensions created by the implementation of new policies. This work builds on her doctoral research, which focused on policy implementation in a Peruvian psychiatric hospital and traced the associations between neoliberal reforms and the use of specific psychiatric treatments.
Jorge Flores-Aranda completed his PhD in Clinical Sciences with specialisation in Public Health at Universit茅 de Sherbrooke. He is adjunct professor in the department of Community Health at Universit茅 de Sherbrooke and researcher at the Institut universitaire sur les d茅pendances. His research interests focus on the links between psychoactive substance use, sexuality and HIV/STBBIs risk behaviors, marginalized populations (people experiencing homelessness, people who use drugs, sexual minorities, migrants, etc.), the use of new technologies in the field of addiction interventions, and addiction services. Currently, he works on the development of an on-line intervention for men who have sex with men and who use drugs ( project). He also works on a feasibility study for the implementation of wet shelters (homeless shelters in which alcohol consumption is allowed) in Montreal. In his projects, Dr. Flores-Aranda uses the participatory research approach, working closely with community members and stakeholders as co-researchers.