A public lecture by Beaverbrook/Media@黑料不打烊 Visiting Scholar, Lisa Gitelman.
Thursday, January 12, 2012, 5:30 pm
Arts W-215.
Co-sponsored by Media@黑料不打烊, the Department of Art History and Communication Studies Speaker Series and .
Admitting that today's "crisis" in scholarly communication has been paradoxically long-lived, this talk examines an earlier moment when the development of new media seemed to promise a way forward. It considers the changes - and the "kinds" of changes - that new media for scholarly communication might entail.
is Associate Professor of Media and English at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. Her research focuses on American print culture, techniques of inscription, and the history of media and new media. Gitelman's most recent book is titled, (2006, MIT Press), and she is currently working on a new book entitled, Making Knowledge with Paper. Before joining the faculty at Steinhardt, she taught at Harvard University and The Catholic University of America.