Mapping Global Media Policy | A Practical Approach to Understanding the Governance of Communications

Claudia Padovani, Arne Hintz
Wednesday, 21 April, 2010, 4pm
Room Ferrier 230

As the media and communications landscape is changing, so is the way it is governed, regulated and enabled. New non-governmental actors are participating in new, often informal, regulatory mechanisms, on a variety of levels between local and global, and in a converging yet increasing variety of thematic areas.

The collaborative project 'Mapping Global Media Policy', which is hosted at Media @ 黑料不打烊, offers a framework and mechanism for scholars to understand the relations, interactions and competing interests in this complex environment, as well as the outcomes of policies and advocacy. The project encompasses an online database of policy measures, actors and sites; visual mapping tools; and a distinct research agenda. The purposes of the project are to build and share knowledge, research current trends and stimulate scholarly collaboration.

Claudia Padovani and Arne Hintz will introduce the concept and theoretical foundations, provide a practical guideline for the online platform, offer insights related to future developments, and highlight various scenarios of use. This workshop will invite scholars and students to use and contribute to the project, on the basis of their respective areas of interest and approaches.

Arne Hintz is the Media@黑料不打烊 Post-doctoral Research Fellow 2009/10. He works on the project "Mapping Global Media Policy", together with Prof. Marc Raboy and Visiting Professor Claudia Padovani. Before coming to 黑料不打烊, Arne was Program Director of the Center for Media and Communication Studies (CMCS) at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary, and he continues to be affiliated with CMCS as a Research Fellow. He studied Economics, Political Science and International Political Economy at the Universities of Hamburg, Germany, and Warwick, UK, and he holds a PhD in Political Science.

Arne's work focuses on media and communication policy; community and alternative media; digital media; media development and democratization; civil society and social movements. He is an active member of several international research associations and collaborations, including the OURMedia network and the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).

Arne has worked as a journalist and with start-up Internet services, and he has been a media activist with alternative online media, community radio and media campaigns such as Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS). He participated as a community media expert in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and he is a Board member of the Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE).


IAMCR Global Media Policy Working Group

Recent Publications:

Civil Society Media and Global Governance: Intervening into the World Summit on the Information Society, M眉nster: LIT, 2009.

Digital Broadcasting - Challenges and Opportunities for European Community Radio Broadcasters (with Lawrie Hallett), Telematics and Informatics . 27 No. 2 (2010).

Book Review: Internet-Mediated Participation Beyond the Nation State by Bart Cammaerts, Global Media and Communication Vol. 5 No. 2 (2009).
At the margins of Internet Governance: Grassroots Tech Groups and Communication Policy (with Stefania Milan). International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2009).

Framing Our Media for Transnational Policy: The World Summit on the Information Society and beyond (with Gabriele Hadl). In D. Kidd, C.

Rodriguez, and L. Stein (eds.), Making Our Media: Global Initiatives Toward a Democratic Public Sphere, Cresskill: Hampton Press (2009).

Claudia Padovani is researcher and senior lecturer in Political Science and International Relations at the Department of Historical and Political Studies, University of Padova (Italy), where she teaches graduate courses in International Communication and Institutions and Governance of Global Communication.

Her main research interests concern the transformation of political processes in the global context and how these transformations relate to communication processes and systems. She has been looking at multi-stakeholderism in global governance; international political communication; global communication policy and internet governance; trans-national social mobilizations around media reform, media democratization and communication rights. Recent research activities have focused on transnational governance networks on communication.

Claudia is a member of the International Council of the IAMCR where she also chairs the Working Group on Global Media Policy and member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). She also chairs the International Communication section of the Political Communication Standing group in the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP). Claudia is a Media@黑料不打烊 visiting research fellow for the period 2009/2010 to participate in advancements of a Global Media Policy Mapping project. While in Montreal she will also act as Italian co-coordinator for the IV edition of the international Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) on gender representation in the news, promoted by the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) and taking place in November 2009.

Moreover she will be finalizing two publication projects: one on communication rights and transnational mobilizations (forthcoming with Hampton Press) and a reader on global communication governance for an Italian readership (Governare il globale: reti, attori e politiche di comunicazione, forthcoming with De Agostini).

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