
Sven Dupré - Fragile Colors: The Art of Glassmaking and the Imitation of Nature | AHCS Research Forum and Le Séminaire des nouveaux modernes

Friday, October 19, 2018 16:00to18:00
Arts Building W-220, 853 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0G5, CA

Fragile Colors: The Art of Glassmaking and the Imitation of Nature
Sven Dupré (University of Amsterdam)Ìý

AHCS Research Forum, in co-sponsorship with

Bio: Sven Dupré is Professor of History of Art, Science and Technology at the University of Amsterdam (Conservation & Restoration)andChair of History of Art, Science and Technology at Utrecht University (History & Art History). Dupré’s research sits at the crossroads of technical art history and the history of science and technology. He is theDirector of the project ‘Technique in the Arts: Concepts, Practices, Expertise, 1500-1950’ (ARTECHNE), supported by a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant, in cooperationwith conservatorsat the Atelier Buildingin Amsterdam, where the Rijksmuseum, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and the University of Amsterdam combine their knowledge in the field of restoration of art objects.Since 2018 he also heads the NWO Smart Culture digital art history project on the history of glass focusing on the archives of the artist Sybren Valkema (1916-1996), in collaboration with the FoundationVrij Glas, the RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History, the Corning Museum of Glass and the Glasmuseum Hentrich, Dusseldorf.He is a member of the editorial boards of the journals Nuncius, Science in Contextand Studium, an associate editor of History of Humanities, a former member of the advisory board of Isis, co-editor of theNuncius book series on material and visual history of science (Brill Publishers), and an advisory board member of the book series Studies in Art & Materiality (Brill Publishers).


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